Pooped? Get Pampered Party - The Spa Party Blog


Pooped? Get Pampered Party

Happy Mother's Day All! Though all Moms are deserving of a spa party experience, I think we can agree that one of the demographics most in need of a special treat are moms postpartum. Not only are postpartum moms prone to boughts of depression, anxiety, and sleep deprivation; their bodies are in recovery from 9 months of pregnancy and labor. When I was in this very state a little over a year ago, being a member of a local new moms group was wonderful for the support, advice, and camaraderie. If my new mom's group would have hosted a spa party, that would have just been the icing on the (diaper) cake! Here are just a few ideas on putting together a Pampered party for moms that is baby friendly, in case they aren't yet ready to part with their little bundles.

  1. Invite a presenter to come out and give the group a lesson on infant massage.

  2. Have a bonga line. These bonger massage tools are easy enough for the lay person to use (just avoid the kidneys), and are inexpensive enough to be given as party favors so mom's can request the treatment at home as well. Have attendees stand in a circle, place the babies in their infant car seats in the center, and have everyone give & receive shoulder and back massages.

  3. One thing pregnancy is good for is making your feet and ankles swell. Foot treatments are also great for this crowd because it leaves mom's lap and hands free to take care of baby without interrupting the treatment.

    1. Foot soaks in none other than Milk, which is great for softening and moisturizing. Try adding lavender or chamomile to powdered milk for a relaxing scent that won't be too strong for the babies; honey also makes a great addition.

    2. Bring in a professional for foot massages, unless daddies want to volunteer for this duty.

  4. A diaper cake is always a cute centerpiece, and can be given away as a door prize. I made the diaper cake for my own shower using the instructions from this video, and I added some embellishments from the scrapbooking section of my local craft store. Or try creating a towel cake with a baby bath towel apron.

Pampered Party Product Picks

Earth Mama Angel Baby's Angel Baby Oil

Burt's Bees Mama Bee Leg & Foot Creme , Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion & Baby Bee Apricot Oil

Here also is a ultra comfy looking changing pad, made by a local mom that is filled with memory foam, and would be great for the infant massage.


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