Ultimate Spaliday Party: Index - The Spa Party Blog


Ultimate Spaliday Party: Index

In order to ensure he had sufficient content for his blog during his paternity leave in the summer of '06, Darren Rowse, of Problogger ,came up with the idea of running a One Question Interview Series. He posed a single question to several fellow bloggers, and posted each of the 14 resulting responses over the course of two weeks.

I really liked the concept and began thinking of ways that I could use it here on The Spa Party Blog. Being a relatively new, and therefore fairly unknown blogger, I wondered if many of the people that I wanted to reach out to would bother to answer. However, I figured the worst anyone could say was no (or nothing), so I set out to construct a list of folks who I thought blog readers might want to see answer the following question:

If you were to host "The Ultimate Spaliday Party" what treatment(s) would you offer your guests?

Thankfully, several people did graciously chose to participate and I'll be sharing their answers with you over the next week in a series of posts. I will update this post daily with links to the newest answers so that it can serve as an index.
You can participate  too by answering the question via the Facebook Discussion page.

December 14: Donna Maria Coles Johnson 
December 15: Katie Berwitt 
December 16: Michelle Bouse
December 18: Regina of Margarita-Bloom
December 19: Tiffany Taylor
December 20: Kitiya Mischo King
December 22: Emmy Gabriel

Your Resident Spashionista!

PS don't forget to enter to win the Spaliday Giveaway which ends tomorrow at 11:59 pm


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