K.I.S.S.: Stone Soup Party - The Spa Party Blog


K.I.S.S.: Stone Soup Party

While looking up some fall soup recipes to feature in the second installment of October's Spa Party of the Month, I stumbled upon the idea of a Stone Soup Party. If you are new to my K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Soiree) feature, it is where I highlight simple and usually inexpensive/DIY tips to make your party stand out from the pack. Though I usually feature crafty things, I really liked the idea of stone soup and feel it fits in perfectly with the Keep It Simple mantra.

A stone soup party is appropriate for adults and children alike and like most potluck type functions it can be pulled off on a shoestring budget. You can either follow a particular soup recipe and assign ingredients, or ask people to bring whatever they like and see what the results are. If you are going with a more freestyle fête it is a good idea to at least tell your guests what type of stock you plan on using (fish, veggie, chicken, beef).  If recipes are more your style, you don't have to stick with a stone soup recipe, in fact a Stone Soup Party is a great way to create a pot of gumbo, cioppino or other seafood rich soups which are generally more expensive to make.

You can use a smooth clean decorating stone(s) from a craft store, and use it as a means to distribute door prize, whoever get the stone in their bowl gets a gift.

In addition to soup, it is a good idea to also have bread, lots of bread, beverages, dessert and a salad, which can be provided by the host or done as a potluck as well. If lettuce is provided, a impromptu salad bar can be made from the leftover veggies that didn't make it into the soup pot.

Pull out some board games, cards, or Dinnertime Games and make a night of it. Make sure you have a copy of the book on hand to read while the soup is simmering.

Your Resident Spashionista!

P.S. Speaking of stones... check out the Hippie Luxe Spa Party for tips on hosting a party with hot stone massages.


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